What's my intent today?

I came across this Martin Parr quote I found on this blog. I remember reading this before but wasn’t ready to receive it. This time it stuck.

“I’m not one of those people who always has their camera with them, who’s always out shooting anything wherever they are. When I go to shoot I take it seriously. You have to have a purpose, have Intent, know why you’re shooting and what the purpose of your shooting is. Too many times I see the work of others, sometimes my students when I end up teaching a class, and it’s just not there. They haven’t pushed it enough. So, I ask them what they’re trying to achieve, what’s their story, why are they shooting. And then I tell them to go and shoot more, shoot deeper, really understand what they’re trying to convey with their images, shoot with intent and purpose and don’t merely scratch the surface.” - Martin Parr

It reminded me that I need to ask myself (and keep asking) “What’s my intent today?”
Intent gives me purpose. Purpose gives me focus. Focus keeps me confident.